The US is using 35 year old
technology to deliver 911 calls.


For tech companies securing their workforce or consumer base


For safety solution providers wanting to modernize customer experience


For human service agencies wanting to protect lone workers

Connect your existing technology to our API or white-label our app

Ten years from now, the world will not remember a time when automated safety technology wasn’t a part of their daily lives.

Cell phones have transformed every facet of daily life, but our safety infrastructure has not caught up.

Over half of the 911 centers in the US struggle to locate cell phone callers.

Our technology connects first responders to critical user geo-location and contact data.

Built alongside 911 centers

According to the Wall Street Journal, over half of the 911 centers in the US struggle to modernize their infrastructure.

Automating calls reduce lag time

Automating calls reduce lag time

According to the Wall Street Journal, 10,000 lives could be saved by reducing 911 response times by a minute.

Calls from home and car alarms, wearables, are routed differently

Any 911 call coming from home/car alarm systems or wearables are currently deprioritized by 911 centers, because they are routed through call centers.

Any 911 call coming from home/car alarm systems or wearables are currently deprioritized by 911 centers, because they are routed through call centers.

The LOIS app is like a 24/7
bodyguard in your pocket.

schedule appointments in potentially hazardous situations beforehand

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